Koala Corridor Number Three

Koala Corridor Map




















Koala food trees in Tilligerry Peninsula

Eucalyptus parramattensis          Drooping Red Gum, Parramatta Red Gum

eucalyptus parramattensis

eucalyptus parramattensis

parramattensis Leaves

parramattensis Leaves



















Description from Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney

A small tree. It looks like a Grey Gum or dwarfed Forest Red Gum from a distance. The leaves are strongly aromatic.


Bark: pale grey, with mottled patches of yellow or cream.

Juvenile leaves: slender (about 1.5cm wide, compared to 5-6cm wide for Forest Red Gum).

Adult leaves: mostly under 12cm long and under 2cm wide, dull, glaucous, same colour both sides.

Flowering time: summer.

Capsules: 4-6mm wide, similar in shape to Forest Red Gum. The buds vary from conical to almost spherical.

Description from PlantNet

Tree to 15 m high; bark smooth (not shedding cleanly), white or grey, shedding in large plates or flakes.


Juvenile leaves disjunct, narrow-lanceolate to lanceolate, dull green.

Adult leaves disjunct, narrow-lanceolate or lanceolate, 7–20 cm long, 1–3.5 cm wide, green, dull, concolorous.

Umbellasters 7-flowered; peduncle terete or angular, 5–10 mm long; pedicels terete, 2–8 mm long.

Buds ovoid, 4–10 mm long, 4–6 mm diam., scar present; calyptra hemispherical to conical, at least as long and at least as wide as hypanthium.

Fruit hemispherical or globose, 4–9 mm long, 5–9 mm diam.; disc flat or raised (slightly); valves exserted.



Eucalyptus tereticornis                   Forest Red Gum, Burringoa

Eucalyptus tereticornis leaves

Eucalyptus tereticornis leaves

tereticornis Tree

tereticornis Tree












Description from Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney

A tall tree 30-40m high with a smooth pale trunk.

Bark: smooth, bluish-grey, whitish or ash coloured with brown and grey patches, some rough dead bark remaining at base.

Leaves: long and slender, 10-20cm.

Flowering time: June-November.

Capsules: always 7 per head, with valves strongly exserted.

Buds: cylindrical or narrowly tapering, long, conical.


Description from PlantNet

Tree to 50 m high; bark smooth, white or grey, shedding in large plates or flakes.

Juvenile leaves disjunct, broad-lanceolate to ovate, glossy green.

Adult leaves disjunct, narrow-lanceolate or lanceolate, 10–20 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, green, dull, concolorous.

Umbellasters 7- to rarely 11-flowered; peduncle narrowly flattened or angular, 7–25 mm long; pedicels terete, 3–10 mm long.

Buds cylindrical or fusiform, 10–20 mm long, 4–8 mm diam., scar present; calyptra conical or elongate acute, longer than and as wide as hypanthium.

Fruit globose or ovoid, 4- or 5-locular, 4–6 mm long, 4–8 mm diam.; disc raised; valves exserted.


Eucalyptus robusta                              Swamp Mahogany, Bengaly

















Description from Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney

A small to medium sized tree 20-30m high, closely resembling E. botryoides.

Bark: rough, fibrous-flaky, fissured on ALL branches.

Leaves: similar to E. botryoides.

Flowering time: June-November.

Capsules: elongated, much larger than E. botryoides.


Description from PlantNet

Tree to 25 m high; bark persistent, red-brown, stringy (shortly fibrous), thick and spongy.

Juvenile leaves disjunct, ovate, glossy green.

Adult leaves disjunct, broad-lanceolate, 10–17 cm long, 2–4.5 cm wide, dark green, glossy, discolorous, penniveined.

Umbellasters 7- to > 11-flowered; peduncle broadly flattened, 13–30 mm long; pedicels terete, 1–9 mm long.

Buds fusiform, 16–24 mm long, 6–8 mm diam., scar present; calyptra elongate acute or rostrate, as long and as wide as hypanthium.

Fruit cylindrical, 10–18 mm long, 6–11 mm diam.; disc depressed; valves rim-level or slightly exserted, usually apically joined.