Blackish blind snake

Scientific NameRamphotyphlops nigrescens

Blackish Blind Snake

Blackish Blind Snake

Description: Wormlike, smooth pink glossy scale pattern

Habitat: Are nocturnal and usually burrow through the soil, although they may be seen moving on the surface on warm humid nights. Found in loamy soils, under rocks, in or under rotting logs or in ant or termite nests.

About: Non-venomous, the species lives most of its life underground feeding on ants, termites and their larvae. To find their food they flick their tongue to pick up the scent of an ant or termite trail and follow it back to the nest where they rake the ants into their mouth using their upper jaw and swallow the food whole. The tail features a pointed tip which is a harmless spur.  Source: Wikipedia

SVL: 750mm

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